Monday, April 26, 2010

I'm not expecting to hear from Taylor this week since he's moving on--out to his mission. He leaves the CTM tomorrow. For those of you who have been there, you know that's both exciting and scary. There is a certain "safety" in the CTM (or the MTC in Provo) because you're schedule is totally set for you. At this point, you've been there the very longest and know the most of all the missionaries. Now, Taylor gets to start over--a new companion, a new city, a language that will not sound exactly like what they learned in the CTM; a whole new world.

I am hoping that because he has been there in Brazil with Brazilian teachers at the CTM, that the language won't sound as foreign as it would have had he stayed in Provo. And he's had opportunities to tract and teach. I hope that helps ease him into the real Brazilian life.

I am excited and nervous, too. I pray for his new companion that he'll be ready for Taylor--for a greenie who is very excited to be a missionary. I hope this young man will be enthusiastic and happy to be serving the Lord as a missionary. I hope he is willing to be a good teacher.

I hope sometime this week we'll get to hear something from Taylor; if so, I'll post it. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

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