Me on a wall
Me in the Orelhão or the pay phone
My ties
My little truck
The Bible on the wall, open in Psalms 23
Me, Gomes and Thalita,the bishop's daughter who we help at the English school, she speaks English and has been to the states before
We walked for a very long time and stop at a house and knock, I ask to see if someone was home explaining that I talked to them the other day on the street and that they said we could come back another day. The person wasn't home, so we continue on our way.
Then we decide to pray to know where to go, and so we pray and we feel as if we need to go to another part of the area and so we go and try and visit a couple of addresses out there and then we feel like we should walk up one street and so we do and we knock on a couple of doors and didn´t have any luck and then we knock on one and it just felt right. The lady answered the door and let us in and in the end she told us that she always wanted to know about the Book of Mormon and so here we are to tell her, she wanted it really bad. She even said that she wanted to go to church with us next week and liked the fact that no one yells there.... there are a lot of evangelical churches in Brasil with yelling and stuff like that. (see my blog page in January with Elder Duncan in Ribeirão Preto for more details)
It was an awesome experience and we did that all day and found another lady that I did a contact with on the street the other day. She accepted and wanted to go to church with us too, we even marked a time to pick her up next week.
That's called listening to the Spirit to know where to go.
We did get into another BibleBash this week and apparently I'm a Prophet.
We got a list from a member of less actives to visit and half of the people have moved. But here is what the crazy parts are, one house is demolished and another lady may be dead, and one guy is one in jail or avoiding the police.
I saw a drunk dude with a beer in his pocket.
This week was a good crazy week, so a normal week for a missionary!
I love it out here, if you go, you'll love it too! If you already went you know what I mean!
I am Elder Richardson, LD, and I end mine epistle, amen.
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